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Liath LaVerne Hawke

Goals by Project

Each goal is listed under each project. Offical titles may or may not be announced for each project. If your excited for a project feel free to hit the like buttons and leave a comment.

Let me explain my way of marking projects. Any unannounced title will be marked as "To be announced" if I have one or "To be Determined" if I don't have one. The same goes for dates, descriptions, word counts, etc. I also start with a draft 0 on all stories. Draft 0's are like pilots in a way and they help me understand what i'm working with.

Page last updated: 9/16/2024

Project: The God Paradox

Offical Title: She Who Asked

Curious about why she exists, Sitari seeks for answers about her heritage as a half human half Algornian child.

Project Type: Illustrated Novella

Current stage: Draft 1

Draft 0

Details: this draft 0 went better then expected and was submited into the IU Writer's Conference for feedback. I received some possitive results And currently moving forward with the next draft.

Status: Complete!

Draft 1 Word Goal

Word Count Goal: 10,000

Current Word Count: 4,165

Due: September 30th 2024

Book cover Illustration

Details: There are multiple steps involved with designing the architecture and determining what scene I want to capture and how it looks.

Current Step: Rough thumbnails and designing architecture in scene

Due: September 30th 2024 (if possible)

Character Illustrations

Details: These characters will get there own offical illustrations so that I know how to illustrate them for the book.

Current Step: Rough designins

Due: To be determined

Book Trailer

Details: I'm planning for an illustrated book trailer. I have a rough script be I will be scripting it out in Final Draft 13 just in case I need to pull in some people to help.

Current Step: Scripting

Due: December 1st or sooner

BackerKit launch

Funding Goal: To Be Announced

Launch Date: December 5th 2024

Project: Fiction Bites

Offical Title: Fiction Bites

To be Announced

Project Type: Podcast of Short stories

Location: Substack (external link) and YouTube

Current stage: Writing Season 1 episode 1 script

Episode 1

Details: To be announced!

Current Step: Scripting

Release Date: September 27th 2024

Episode 2

Details: To be determined

Current Step: plotting

Release Date: To be determined

Project: Esnilear

Offical Title: To be Announced

To be Announced

Project Type: Film

Current stage: Gathering experts and writing

Project: Studio Pitch

I'm working on a pitch for my up coming studios. This is a rather slow process as I gather data and build my community and interests in my work.

Project Type: pitch

Current stage: Draft 2